Over 90% of foreign workers do not regret staying in Poland during pandemic – poll
Some 91.2% of foreign workers working in Poland said they did not regret that they stayed in this country during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the findings of a sociological survey "A foreign employee in Poland in the pandemic" conducted by the EWL company (Poland).
At the same time, 4.6% of respondents said that they regret it, and 4.2% found it difficult to answer.
Some 29.8% of respondents answered that they feel completely safe in Poland during the pandemic, 34.6% – that they rather feel safe, 25.1% – feel uncertain, 5.8% – rather, feel danger, and 4.7% – feel danger.
Some 36.4% said that in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, they are most afraid of losing their jobs, 27.7% of the economic crisis, and 24.8% of the need to return to their country.
Some 15% of those who took part in the survey reported that they are afraid of a salary cut in Poland during the pandemic, while 12.9% are afraid of contracting the coronavirus.
Some 69.6% said that they did not notice an increase in negative stereotypes regarding foreigners in Poland due to the epidemic, 14% said they did, and 16.4% found it difficult to answer the question.
Some 50% of respondents noted that they stayed in Poland during the epidemic due to the fact that they worked in Poland before the start of the pandemic and did not want to change plans, 36.7% – that they wanted to continue working in Poland as long as possible, 24.3% – that their legal residence and work permits were automatically renewed, 23% – that there is not enough work in their country during the pandemic, 12% – that they feel safer in Poland than in their own country, 7.1% – that otherwise they will not be able to come to Poland for a long period, and 6.2% – that the healthcare system in Poland works better than in their country.
Some 51.6% of respondents said that they came to Poland during the pandemic, since earnings in Poland are higher than in their country, 37.7% planned it earlier and did not want to change their plans, 32.9% – because their country has a bad political and economic situation, 26.6% – because the living standard in Poland is higher than in their country, 24.1% – because there was no work in their country during the pandemic, 18.2% – because the epidemic did not bother them, 13.7% – because they lost their jobs in their country during the pandemic, and 6.6% – on the recommendation of friends and relatives.
Some 31% of respondents noted that they plan to continue to find employment in Poland until the end of the pandemic.
Some 36.1% of foreign workers in Poland said that they are ready to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Poland, if there is such an opportunity, 31.1% – that they are not ready, and 32% found it difficult to answer. Some 0.8% of respondents have already been vaccinated.
Some 51% of those surveyed said they would like to work in Germany, 48.1% – in Poland, 25.9% – in the Czech Republic, 25.1% – in the United States, 23% – in Canada, and 21.4% – in Norway.
The survey was conducted in April-May 2021. Some 620 respondents took part in it. Some 92.4% of respondents are from Ukraine, 4.2% – from Belarus, 2.3% – from Moldova, and 1.1% – from other countries.