
Ukraine enters October with record 28 bcm of gas stocks in UGS

 Ukraine is entering October 2020 with a record 28 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas stocks in its underground gas storage (UGS) facilities.

So, as of September 29, the gas stocks reached 27.978 bcm, or 90.4% of the total design storage capacity, according to the operational data of JSC Ukrtransgaz.

The level of gas stocks of 27 bcm was reached on September 17, 26 bcm on September 5, 25 bcm on August 26, 24 bcm on August 17, 23 bcm on August 8, and 22 bcm on July 29.

Since the end of the season for withdrawing gas from storage facilities from March 26 as of September 29, 2020, gas stocks in Ukrainian UGS facilities had increased by 77.3%, or by 12.194 bcm.

The system of 12 underground storage facilities of Ukrtransgaz that fully belongs to NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy has a total design capacity of 31 bcm.
