Belarus, Transneft agree on pumping 'clean' oil for Naftan through northern branch of Druzhba
The Belarusian side has reached an agreement with PJSC Transneft to increase the pumping of "clean" oil through the northern branch of the Druzhba pipeline (Surgut-Polotsk), Vasily Drobotov, the head of OJSC Polotsktransneft Druzhba told Interfax.
"Agreements have been reached with Transneft on increasing the flow through the Surgut-Polotsk pipeline. This is oil for OJSC Naftan," Drobotov said.
The increase could come as early as tomorrow, he said.
The Surgut-Polotsk pipeline is currently working with a minimal load, about 0.8-1 million tonnes a year, or 10% of Naftan's needs. The throughput capacity of the pipeline is 40 million tonnes a year.
According to the corporate magazine Vestnik Naftana, it was said at an emergency meeting held on April 22 that low-quality oil from the southern branch would reach the plant on Monday. In this connection, Naftan decreased its refining activity 40% to protect its equipment. Naftan draws supplies from two branches of the Druzhba pipeline.