
MHP introduces monitoring of employees' emotions

Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), a large agricultural holding in Ukraine, with the purpose of boosting labor effectiveness introduced monitoring of employee's emotions, MHP Board Chairman Yuriy Kosiuk said at the fifth Conductors of Changes forum held in Kyiv on November 13.

"We monitor emotions. Everyone is under cameras... We calibrate emotions by 70 points. We look after happy and unhappy ones," Kosiuk said.

He said that studies have shown that happy people are more effective.

According to him, psychologists and HR employees are working closely with the unfortunate people, trying to offer something to these people in order to change the situation, but in the absence of changes, these people are replaced.

Speaking about his managerial mistakes, he named several untimely staffing decisions among the key ones and advised forum participants to change employees, who could not cope with their duties (but trying to change jobs for them) in a timely manner. According to Kosiuk, experience shows that there is always a person who will make their work better.

Myronivsky Hliboproduct is the largest poultry producer in Ukraine. It is also engaged in production of grain, sunflower oil, and meat.

MHP supplies cooled chicken half-carcasses to the European market, which are processed, in particular, at its enterprises in the Netherlands and Slovakia.

The land bank of the company at the end of 2017 was about 370,000 hectares.
