
SBU, Antonov sign memorandum on exchanging info about cyber-attacks in real time

 Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the state-run company Antonov have signed a memorandum with a view to building an efficient system of national cyber security, the SBU said.

The document is meant to secure a real-time exchange of technical information about cyber incidents between the two entities via the MISP-UA platform, the SBU's press center said on Facebook.

"Experts from the security service are confident that the MISP-UA data will ensure better protection for the state enterprise of strategic importance and facilitate an efficient response from the SBU and other cyber-security agents to attacks of great complexity," the SBU said.

Employees at the SBU's Cyber Security Center used the open-code MISP (MalwareInformationSharingPlatform) platform to successfully create a system to collect and process information about cyber incidents and to enable a real-time exchange between cyber-security agents sharing technical data that help identify compromised IT systems operating at critical infrastructure facilities in real time.

The SBU noted that the platform is broadly used across the globe. It is consistent with EU and NATIO standards and employed by major international actors in the cyber security field, specifically, FIRST, CIRCL, CiviCERT, NATO NCI Agency, etc., the SBU said.
