
London court hearings on PrivatBank's claim against ex-owners may take place no earlier than 2020 - Kolomoisky

One of the former owners of PrivatBank, Ihor Kolomoisky, predicts that the High Court in London will consider the case in essence on a claim filed by nationalized PrivatBank against its ex-owners no earlier than 2020.

"Litigation is litigation - we cannot know in advance how it will end, but I am very optimistic about it. I believe that the London court is the jurisdiction where the parties will have to openly show everything, tell how it was and what was not. I think we will get to this trial in the court, but it will not be soon and most likely it will happen under another government in Ukraine. As my lawyers predict, it won't happen before 2020," Kolomoisky said in an interview with the Schemes program, a joint project of Radio Liberty and the TV channel 'UA: First.'

At the same time, he noted that the ex-owners' assets were not seized, but frozen: "To date, we can state that the assets have not been seized, but frozen. Well, let them be frozen - there is a specific court order that we are trying to abide by. What is more, we have done everything we needed, including disclosure of our assets."

Kolomoisky also said that he does not use the limit on personal expenses established by the High Court in London.

"In my opinion, this limit is set at 20,000 pounds. I do not even use it - I do not spend so much money and did not spend [the amount ] on myself personally before. Are you aware what 20,000 pounds means? It's $27,000 per week. That is more than $100,000 a month can be spent on myself personally. I cannot even imagine what it can be spent on - it's a hard task," he said.
