Lozova Machinery enter Croatian market
Lozova Machinery (the brand of soil-cultivating agricultural machinery manufactured by the enterprises of UPEC industrial group, Kharkiv region) has signed a dealer contract with PMT d.o.o., a leading distribution company of Croatia, the Ukrainian company has said in a press release.
The contract was signed after Lozova Machinery's debut participation in the Bjelovar Fair held from April 6 to April 8, 2018 in the Croatian city of Bjelovar.
"Within long-term cooperation, along with purchase of our equipment, this year PMT d.o.o. plans to conduct a number of demonstrations of the Dukat disc harrow directly in the field, so that farmers can be convinced of the energy efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of our equipment," the press service said, citing Foreign Sales Director Eduard Chudopalov.
According to him, Lozova Machinery became the only Ukrainian company at the East European exhibition and aroused great interest of the agrarians of this country.
The company reminded that this year in support of green technologies during the Greentour the company plans to demonstrate its soil-cultivating equipment in 20 countries, taking part in more than 100 events - exhibitions, Days of Field and demo tours.