
SPF receives one bid for 25% of shares in Donetskoblenergo, rest of auctions scheduled for Aug 16 not to take place

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) has received one bid at an auction to sell 25% of shares in public joint-stock company Donetskoblenergo, the SPF has said on its website.

The fund recalled that the auction will be held on the INNEX stock exchange on August 16.

The auctions scheduled for August 16 to sell 25% of shares in public joint-stock company Donbasenergo on the Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange and 25% of shares in public joint-stock company Sumyoblenergo on the Perspectiva stock exchange will not take place over the absence of bids. An auction to sell 25% of shares in Odesaoblenergo on the Ukrainian Exchange failed to take place on August 15, 2017 due to the same reason.

As reported, the SPF late July announced auctions to sell shares in eight energy supply and energy generating companies.

On August 15, an auction to sell 25% of shares in Odesaoblenergo on the Ukrainian Exchange was to be held (the starting price is UAH 631.3 million).

On August 16, the following auctions were to be held: to sell blocking stakes in PJSC Donetskoblenergo on the INNEX stock exchange (the starting price is UAH 143.8 million), PJSC Donbasenergo on the Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange (the starting price is UAH 669.2 million), and PJSC Sumyoblenergo on the Perspectiva stock exchange (the starting price is UAH 370.2 million).

On August 17, an auction on the Kyiv International Stock Exchange to sell 25% of shares in PJSC DTEK Dniprooblenergo (the starting price is UAH 728.2 million) and a blocking stake in PJSC DTEK Dniproebergo (the starting price is UAH 728.2 million) will be held.

On August 18, two more auctions will be held: PJSC DTEK Zakhidenergo on the PFTS stock exchange (the starting price is UAH 347.6 million) and PJSC Kyivenergo on the PFTS stock exchange (the starting price is UAH 759.6 million).
