
Ukrnafta in talks on new contracts for drilling wells, drilling fleet renovation

PJSC Ukrnafta is in talks as for new contracts of joint activities for drilling wells and renewing the drilling fleet, company CEO Mark Rollins has said at a press conference in Kyiv.

"Now we are negotiating with several potential partners... Joint activities are the only option for attracting investment outside the company," he said.

Rollins also said as part of its own investment campaign in 2017, Ukrnafta plans to drill four new wells, establish a number of new electric pumps, and conduct hydraulic fracturing operations.

In addition, it plans to restructure the drilling units: they are to be combined into a single structure, potentially able to drill up to 20 wells per year.

Rolling said currently Ukrnafta has no sufficient funds to fully load its drilling division with profile work, so it is negotiating with PJSC Ukrgazvydobuvannia on implementation of work under the contract base.
