
Ukraine worsens Internet freedom index - Freedom House

Ukraine has worsened by one point the index of freedom of the Internet over the last year, according to a Freedom House report.

The author of the section about Ukraine in the Freedom on the Net 2016 report, Tetiana Lokot, said the study takes into account several factors: barriers to access, content restrictions, and violation of users' rights.

"The total number of points contains these three categories, which is equal to 100 points. And every year we determine how many points are in a certain category, we give points to each country according to certain parameters. And the main thing we have to understand is the more points are the worse situation is, and the smaller the score is the better the situation is," she said.

According to the expert, over the last reporting period, which began in June 2015 and ended in May 2016, compared with the previous year, Ukraine as a whole worsened the index by one point: last year it had 37 points, this year 38 points.

According to the report, deteriorations are mainly related to restricted access to certain content, increase in the number of arrests of Internet users for separatist statements, as well as restriction of access to Ukrainian websites in the occupied territories.
