Supervisory board of Borschahivka plant convenes extraordinary shareholders meeting
The supervisory board of public joint-stock company Research and Industrial Center Borschahivka chemical and pharmaceutical plant (Kyiv) convenes an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders under a request of private joint-stock company Darnitsa pharmaceutical firm (Kyiv) that holds 29.95% of shares in the plant.
The Borschahivka plant said in a press release that representatives of Darnitsa firm intend to discuss re-election of the plant's supervisory board and change the plant's regulations.
"We were surprised with a proposal of Darnitsa firm to amend the plant's regulations, as the supervisory board put the issue on the addenda of the latest meeting of shareholders. Darnitsa firm opposed the changes then," the company said, citing secretary of the supervisory board Oleh Holoborodko.
He also said that in the past two weeks the Borschahivka plant received several more requests from Darnitsa firm demanding to disclose information about the design of new medicines, research and production cost data to the rival. This information is confidential.
The Borschahivka plant said that before the meeting the plant warned its shareholders of possible attempts to carry out unlawful actions by unknown persons allegedly acting in the interests of Darnitsa firm. They seek to buy shares in the plant at too low price.