
Losses of Ukrainian banks rises to UAH 2 bln in Feb 2016

Losses of Ukrainian banks (excluding insolvent) as of March 1, 2016 amounted to UAH 1.971 billion, whereas in January the figure was UAH 890 million, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has reported on its website.

"In February 2016 the total amount of loss of operating banks amounted to UAH 1.1 billion, while almost the whole loss was generated by one bank," reads the report.

According to the central bank, on March 1, 2016 some 83 banks saw profit for a total of UAH 3.2 billion. In February 76 banks posted UAH 1.7 billion in profit.

As noted by the NBU, the negative financial result in February was due, above all, to a loss of UAH 3.8 billion from trading operations. In particular, losses from trading in foreign currency and precious metals amounted to UAH 5.6 billion.

At the same time, the National Bank in February noted the reduction in transfers to the reserve by UAH 800 million, to UAH 200 million.

According to its data, the net interest income of banks in February amounted to UAH 3.7 billion against UAH 3.2 billion in January.

According to the report, the revenues of Ukrainian banks in January-February 2016 decreased by 46.9% compared to the same period of 2015, to UAH 24.8 billion, while expenses almost halved to UAH 26.8 billion.
