
Naftogaz offers Ukrnafta assistance in recovering debtor indebtedness for future payments to budget

Naftogaz Ukrainy has offered PJSC Ukrnafta assistance in recovering debtor indebtedness for future payments to the budget.

According to a Naftogaz letter, the text of which has been sent to Interfax-Ukraine, the relevant initiative is undertaken with the purpose to execute decree No. 1597/0/1-16 of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk dated January 18.

At the same time, Naftogaz said if Ukrnafta is interested in receiving assistance it has to provide a list of its debtors (with the complete information on the amount, terms, causes of debtor indebtedness), as well as information on the measures taken to recover the debts.

Ukrnafta's debt to the national budget is UAH 10.2 billion. At the same time, debtor indebtedness to Ukrnafta exceeds UAH 18 billion.
