
Yatseniuk wants to create joint anti-corruption mission together with western countries

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has proposed creating an international anti-corruption mission which will include investigators from the United States, the United Kingdom and other western countries.

"My idea, which I will be discussing with our American friends, is the formation of an international anti-corruption platform, or mission. When specific investigators of the FBI or the NSA or from Great Britain, will come here to Ukraine, which would be engaged in practical assistance to all [Ukrainian] agencies [for the fight against corruption]," Yatseniuk said in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels on Friday.

He explained that the practical assistance means not just "telling how to conduct an investigation of cases." "As a rule, these funds which are derived from corruption in Ukraine are going somewhere through American or European banks in dollars or euros," the prime minister said.

"This will give us the opportunity to immediately open the relevant criminal proceedings either in the U.S. or in the EU countries and to conduct a joint anti-corruption investigation. Our task is to finance all these activities," said Yatseniuk.
