Yatseniuk proposes creation of intl anti-corruption mission to Ukraine
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has proposed that an international anti-corruption mission to Ukraine be created with the participation of law enforcement officers from the EU and the United States.
"I think the issue should be discussed at this conference and I am asking for your support for the need to create a permanent international anti-corruption mission to Ukraine for the period of the next two years," Yatseniuk said at an international anti-corruption conference in Kyiv on Monday.
The mission may permanently engage detectives of the U.S. FBI and EU law enforcement agencies, he said.
The mission can help Ukrainian law enforcement authorities fight corruption in the country, the prime minister added.
In his opinion, the mission should have access to databases of the Ukrainian Security Service, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Anti-Corruption Service.
Yatseniuk also thinks that the international anti-corruption mission should be able to open criminal cases outside Ukraine in the event of foreign assets or businesses of corrupt Ukrainian individuals being discovered.