
Share of overdue bank loan debt in Ukraine up to 19.4% by Oct - NBU

The share of overdue loan debt in Ukraine in January-September 2015 grew by 6.4 percentage notches, to 19.4% of the amount of loans issued, while the share of foreign capital in the consolidated charter capital of Ukrainian banks decreased by 7.4 percentage points, to 37.9%, according to a report by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

According to the NBU, in September 2015 the total number of solvent banks operating in the country fell by four, being 122 as of October 1, 2015, while as of January 1, 2015, 163 banks were operating in Ukraine.

In September 2015, total number of financial institutions with foreign capital increased by two, and in January-September 2015, the total number of financial institutions with foreign capital decreased by 11, to 40 banks, including banks with 100% foreign capital – in September their number grew by one and in January-September it fell by one, to 18 banks.

The NBU said that the share of foreign capital in the share capital of Ukrainian banks grew thanks to growth of the sum of foreign capital, including thanks to the additional capitalization of banks with Russian capital by UAH 16.6 billion.

The regulator said that the share of overdue loan debt in September grew by 3.3 percentage points due to growth of the total sum of overdue loans by UAH 9 billion with the synchronous decrease in the volume of credits issued by UAH 18.6 billion.

Assets of banks over the period under review totaled UAH 1.209 trillion.

Total assets (reserves not taken into account) amounted to UAH 1.476 trillion and credits issued by banks – UAH 910 billion.

The capital of the bank was UAH 128.962 billion, and charter capital - UAH 192.29 billion.
