
Debt of banks, Deposit Guarantee Fund to NBU shrinks by UAH 3.55 bln in June

Banks and the Individuals' Deposit Guarantee Fund reduced their debt owed to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) for loans by UAH 3.55 billion after managing in May, for the first time for a long period, to make the debt shrink by UAH 4.7 billion, the NBU said.

In June, the amount of issued loans was UAH 1.35 billion, while UAH 4.9 billion was repaid.

Since the beginning of the year, the growth of the Fund's debt owed to the NBU has amounted to UAH 9.22 billion, or 7.7%, with the overall debt estimated at UAH 128.37 billion.

The NBU said that in June it extended UAH 827.5 million in tranches of stabilization loans for more than 30 days to only two banks: UAH 750 million was provided to Bank Finance and Credit, while Khreschatyk Bank was lent UAH 77.5 million after a tender to support bank liquidity.
