
Yatseniuk calls for Ukrainian private creditors to agree with debt restructuring or else moratorium to be introduced

Ukraine has a financial gap between servicing and settling its $15 billion in foreign debt over the next four years, but the country intends to fill the gap through restructuring agreements with private creditors without shifting these payments to the public, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said.

"The government is now asking you to give the Cabinet of Ministers the right, I repeat, the right - and we'll decide whether to use this right or not - to introduce a moratorium on Ukraine's external debt payments towards exclusively private investors for the list of obligations included in this law's amendment," he told the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday while presenting governmental bills on the right to introduce a moratorium on external debt payments.

"We want to pay, but under the conditions that Ukrainian parliament and the government are suggesting," Yatseniuk added.
