
Justice Ministry proposes using e-documents for business dealings, property rights

The Justice Ministry has proposed that the Cabinet of Ministers approve measures to start issuing electronic documents instead of paper documents related to business dealings and property rights, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko has said at a government meeting in Kyiv.

"Our initiative is to convert paper documents into electronic ones, and give them official status," he said.

Petrenko said that in 2014 Ukrainian citizens received 4 million documents and appealed to authorities for business registration documents 1.3 million times.

The ministry proposes using e-documents and that credit cards are used to pay for the related services, Petrenko said.

He said that this concerns such documents as extracts from the single state register.

Petrenlo also said this service could be launched in April 2015 and he called on businesses to use it.

Petrenko added that ownership documents would be revamped to an electronic format, including the relevant certificate, extract and proof of ownership.

He said that these and other measures would simplify business dealings in Ukraine and would allow Ukraine to climb from 96th to 79th in the doing business rankings.

He said that, given the experience of other countries the climbing in the rankings, rising by one notch would attract $600 million of investment.
