
Ukraine imports fuel worth $481 mln in Jan-Feb

Ukraine imported petroleum products (foreign economic activity code 2710) for a total of $480.519 million in January and February 2015, in particular in February for $220.735 million.

According to the State Fiscal Service, the country imported fuel from Belarus for $258.331 million in the two months, Russia - $78.596 million, Lithuania - $45.094 million, from other countries - $98.498 million.

In addition, in January and February 2015 Ukraine exported petroleum products worth a total of $25.935 million. The cost of fuel delivered to Cypriot counterparts was $14.647 million, Ireland - $1.863 million, UK - $1.558million, and other countries - $7.867 million.

The foreign economic activity code 2710 includes not only petrol and diesel fuel, but fuel oil, jet engine fuel and some other specific products.

At the same time, in January and February 2015 Ukraine did not import oil (under code 2709), while oil worth $1.527 million was exported to Lithuania.
