Ukraine in Dec 2014 cut gas consumption by 19%, says Naftogaz
In December 2014 Ukrainian consumers (not taking into account the occupied territory of Crimea) consumed 5.3 billion cubic meters of gas, 19% or 1.2 billion cubic meters less than last year.
"Ukrainian consumers in categories (industry, heating and budget organizations) exceeded limits for consumption of natural gas set in cabinet resolution No. 296 of July 9, 2014 by 25.6%. With the monthly target of 2.4 billion cubic meters, these categories consumed around 3 billion cubic meters," the Naftogaz Ukrainy’s press service reported.
Last month households consumed 2.3 billion cubic meters of gas, 12% down on December 2013.
"The largest exceeding of limits set in resolution No. 296 was seen in Rivne region (75%), Cherkasy region (63%), Ternopil region (61%), Kyiv region (53%) and Kyiv city (40%). Some regions consumed less gas than the limit. Zakarpattia region used 12% less gas, Zhytomyr region 1% less and Luhansk region 35% less. Data from the antiterrorist operation (ATO) zone arrived late," Naftogaz Ukrainy said.
Sectors which considerably exceeded the limit were industry (31%) and heating enterprises (26%). Budget organizations used 24% less gas.