Introduction of MNP service postponed again, new tender to select administrator could be announced
The introduction of the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service has again been postponed indefinitely, and a new tender to select the administrator of the database could be announced, a member of the National Commission for Communications Regulation (NCCR) Volodymyr Hresko said at a roundtable devoted to the urgent issues of the Ukrainian communications and informatization sector.
"The service is not ready. The operators are not interested in it. Next week, a working group will discus the postponement of the terms. Maybe, a new tender will be announced," he said.
He told Interfax-Ukraine that the database administrator is delaying the preparation for the introduction of the service.
In July 2010, the law on telecommunications was amended, due to which Ukrainian telecoms operators should introduce MNP and roaming services. Due to the amendments, the services should have been introduced from January 1, 2011, but in practice this term has been repeatedly postponed, most recently until July 1, 2014.