Lviv regions leader in rating of investment attractiveness of regions in 2014
Lviv region is the leader in the rating of the investment attractiveness of regions in 2014 presented by the State Agency for Investment and National Project Management of Ukraine on Monday in Kyiv.
Ivano-Frankivsk region is second and Odesa region is third.
Vinnytsia region and Kyiv City are among top five of the most attractive regions for investments.
According to the rating, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi regions, Sevastopol and Crimea showed the worst indicators.
Director of the Institute of Economic Research and Policy Consulting Ihor Burakovsky said at the presentation that Crimea in the last year rating, before the political problems, had worst indicators of the investment attractiveness among Ukrainian regions.
State Agency Head Serhiy Yevtushenko said that three main elements were used during the study: the potential of the territory, investment risks and opportunities and obstacles for investments.
The factors defining the investment attractiveness of regions were divided into two groups: tough (the impact of which is difficult to change in the short-term outlook) and smooth (which could be altered). The tough factors include geographic location, natural resources, labor, R&P potential (the ability of creating and absorbing innovations), consumer segment, business segment and infrastructure. Smooth factors are business climate, rules and procedures, successful experience of the realization of investment projects, openness of power and business optimism.
Director for Corporate Rights at Nestle Hennadiy Radchenko said that the study did not take into account demographic processes in the country.
"Large investors pay large attention to this factor," he said.
Kharkiv region was the leader of the previous rating, which fell to the eighth position in 2014, while Lviv region was second and Donetsk region was third (22nd in 2014).