Inflation in Ukraine in January slows to 0.2% - Statistics Service
Inflation in Ukraine in January 2014 slowed to 0.2% after accelerating to 0.5% in December, returning to the level of November, the State Statistics Service has said.
According to the service's data, in annual terms (compared to the same month in 2013) the increase in consumer prices in the country remained at 0.5%.
According to the service, prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages on the consumer market in January 2014 compared to December 2013 rose by 0.4%. Prices of vegetables grew significantly (9.3%). Prices of fruit, sugar, milk, dairy goods, sour cream, cheese, and butter increased by 2.5-0.9%, rice, soft drinks, cereals, and fish - by 0.2-0.1%. Egg prices fell significantly (22.6%). Prices for sunflower oil, fat, margarine, macaroni declined by 0.5-0.1%.
The increase in prices for alcoholic drinks and tobacco produce by 1.1% was mainly due to the rise in the price of tobacco goods by 1.8%.
The growth of prices (tariffs) for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel in January this year by 0.3% was due to higher prices for liquefied gas by 1.4% and fees for hot water, heating by 1.3%.
Prices in health care last month rose by 0.2%, in particular prices for pharmaceutical products increased by 0.3%, outpatient services - by 0.2%.
Higher prices for transport in general by 0.4% was mainly due to the rise in prices for passenger rail transportation by 0.8%, fuel and lubricants by 0.7%.
Prices for clothing and footwear were down by 1.7%, in particular for clothes - by 1.4%, footwear - by 2.1%.
As reported, the draft national budget for 2014 is based on the inflation forecast of 8.3%.