
Rada adopts law on personal data protection improvement with president's proposals

Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament, has adopted a bill on improvement of the personal data protection with the remarks of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The law amending some bills on improvement of the personal data protection system was passed on May 14, 2013 and was submitted for the president's signing. However, the president vetoed the law and returned it to the parliament with his proposals, consideration of which are necessary for signing Association Agreement with the EU.

The head of the state proposed the Cabinet of Ministers within three months after the law came into force to destroy application on registration of personal databases, which have been submitted before an introduction of the new law, as well as liquidate State Register of Personal Databases with all information it contained.

However, the law also said that state register of personal data protection is a single state information system of collection, accumulation and procession of information about registered personal databases.

"Now the law foresees both existence of state personal data register, as well as its liquidation," the president noted.

Yanukovych also proposed the MPs to exclude from the document regulations that allow delete a state register of personal data and applications about registration of the personal data.

Moreover, the MPs considered president's proposal and supplemented the section of the law 'Final statements' with the regulations to submit Verkhovna Rada ombudsperson a state register of personal databases and relative applications.

A total of 373 MPs of the 405 registered for voting supported the bill.
