
Kyivmiskbud to transfer 60 apartments to Elita-center fraud victims in 2013, 35 apartments in 2014

Public joint-stock company Kyivmiskbud Holding, one of the largest constructors in Ukraine, will fulfill all the liabilities it took on earlier to build residential buildings in which some apartments will be transferred to Elita-center fraud victims, and plans in the second half of the year to commission three buildings with 60 apartments for the said purpose.

"I want to say at once that we will fulfill all the liabilities for the land plots allocated: we'll finish buildings and transfer some apartments in them to the city for distribution among Elita-center fraud victims. I want to say that only nine land plots out of 14 plots allocated suit the construction of buildings. We had to return five land plots which the city earlier earmarked for us, despite the fact that we've invested over UAH 2 million of our own funds in their development," Kyivmiskbud Board Chairman and President Ihor Kushnir said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

He said that this concerns land plots at 17, Solomianska Street, Balzac Street, 4A, Beretti Street, Lukianivska Street and 66, Heroyiv Stalinhrada Street.

In the second half of 2013 buildings at 1A, Horolska Street (eight apartments to be transferred to Elita-center fraud victims), 40 Drahomanova Street (39 apartments) and a building at the intersection of Kharkivske Shose and Armianska Street (13 apartments) will be commissioned.

Kushnir said that the holding in 2014 plans to commission another three buildings: at 28-32 Radunska Street (15 apartments), 39G, Harmatna Street (10 apartments) and 7V, Revutskoho Street (10 apartments).

The president of the holding said that a total of 95 apartments with a combined area of 5,995 square meters would be transferred to Elita-center fraud victims. Earlier 131 apartments in buildings at 5, Pravdy Avenue, 1-3 Mayakovskoho Street and 1, Layosh Havro Street were transferred.

"There are conflicts over almost all of the land plots allocated for the construction of buildings where apartments to Elita-center fraud victims will be transferred: as at the construction site at 7V, Revutskoho Street, for example. We have all the permits, we start building and suddenly residents of neighboring houses appear and start protesting," Kushnir said, answering a question whether the holding plans to take new land plots to build houses with some apartments meant for Elita-center fraud victims.

Kyivmiskbud was set up on the basis of municipally owned construction corporation Kyivmiskbud in 1994 through the merger of controlling stakes in 28 enterprises and other assets in its charter capital.

Kyivmiskbud consists of 68 companies, including 47 open joint-stock companies, in which the holding owns shares, along with 21 associated members. Kyiv municipal community owns an 80% stake in the holding.
