
Opposition registers bill on sending 100% of personal income tax to Kyiv's budget, says MP

A draft law on amendments to the Budget Code which foresees sending 100% of collected personal income tax to Kyiv's city budget has been registered in Ukrainian parliament, the press service of MP Oleksandr Bryhynets, has reported.

The authors of the bill are Bryhynets and lawmakers Andriy Pavlovsky and Dmytro Andriyevsky (all from the Batkivschyna faction).

"Thanks to money from personal income tax, each city tries to develop, so it's not normal for only one city of Ukraine – Kyiv – to be robbed of several billion hryvnias every year, taking away half of the taxes to the national budget. This innovation, introduced by [President] Viktor Yanukovych's team, has brought the city to the verge of survival," Bryhynets said.

As reported, according to the law on the national budget for 2013, Kyiv is the only city in which 50% of personal income taxes are sent to the national budget. In 2011, the sum came to UAH 6.8 billion, in 2012 – UAH 7.264 billion, and in the national budget for 2013 it totals UAH 8.204 billion.
