
Govt approves creation of industrial park in Kalush – Ministry of Economy

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has approved the inclusion of the industrial park Kalush Production in the city of Kalush (Ivano-Frankivsk region) in the Industrial Parks Register, as announced by the Ministry of Economy's press service.

The park's creation was initiated by Chemical Plant Kalush LLC. The park will house facilities for the production of chemicals, furniture, metal products (excluding machinery and equipment), non-metallic mineral products, paper, rubber, and plastic items.

The creation of the park is expected to provide over 2,000 jobs in Kalush.

According to the ministry, the project aims to develop infrastructure, create favorable conditions for attracting investors, expand industrial capacities, and stimulate economic growth in the region.

"The creation of new industrial parks is a key element of the government's 'Made in Ukraine' economic policy and an effective tool for attracting investment and regional development," said Vitaliy Kindrativ, Deputy Minister of Economy.

Currently, 92 industrial parks have been registered in Ukraine.

Kalush already hosts one industrial park, the Kalush Industrial HUB, created in 2021 in partnership with Ch.A.S. LLC and the city's economic development department. It focuses on machine building, the production of electrical and metalworking equipment, and woodworking and furniture manufacturing.

The "Made in Ukraine" state program provides up to UAH 150 million in funding for the construction of necessary infrastructure. The funds are provided on a non-refundable basis, covering up to 50% of the estimated project costs, including land preparation and engineering infrastructure. The program also offers up to 50% compensation for connecting to power grids. In de-occupied territories, the state covers 80% of the costs.

According to the Ministry of Economy, to protect state interests, applicants are required to build at least 5,000 square meters of industrial buildings within three years and attract at least two participants to the park. Financing is provided through escrow accounts in state banks, allowing developers to choose the most convenient bank for servicing.

This year, for the first time, UAH 1 billion was allocated in the state budget to stimulate industrial parks. The Ministry of Economy's partners in this program are the state-owned Ukreximbank, Oschadbank, and Ukrgasbank.
