20:16 26.05.2023

Rehabilitation centre of national RECOVERY network founded by Viktor and Olena Pinchuk created in Kyiv

2 min read

An innovative rehabilitation center for wounded soldiers of the national RECOVERY network, which has no analogues in Ukraine, has been launched in Kyiv, the press service of the network told Interfax-Ukraine.

"Built from scratch on the site of a public hospital, the Centre meets the highest international standards of inclusion: wide corridors and doorways, sanitary and hygienic areas for patients with limited mobility. The Centre is fitted with the cutting-edge equipment," the network said in a press release.

The RECOVERY project, founded by Victor and Olena Pinchuk, helps Ukrainian wounded soldiers recover to the highest standards of rehabilitation.

Military patients benefit from two highly functional physical rehabilitation halls, three physiotherapy rooms, massage rooms, an occupational therapy room, a manipulation room, a dressing room, and 12 inclusive wards with 30 beds.

The facilities occupy 1,500 sq m in total. Thanks to an effective public-private partnership, the RECOVERY rehabilitation centre in Kyiv will be able to meet the recovery needs of the wounded soldiers in terms of quality and quantity.

"This Kyiv-based rehabilitation centre is absolutely unique. Built from scratch, it meets the highest inclusion standards to provide comfort to our defenders. Our heroes and heroines are fighting on the military front for our independence. And they need to be sure that if something happens to them, if their lives and health are threatened, they can count on us – we will fight for their independence here, too. We will fight for their self-reliance. We estimate that over 11,000 soldiers will be able to receive rehabilitation care in our centres over a year. We have set no less ambitious goals for the next year," Victor Pinchuk, founder of the RECOVERY project, said.