20:44 04.02.2022

At least 70% of adult Ukrainians must be COVID-19 vaccinated by end of 2022 – updated national vaccination plan

1 min read
At least 70% of adult Ukrainians must be COVID-19 vaccinated by end of 2022 – updated national vaccination plan

At least 70% of adult Ukrainians and at least 80% of people over 60 years of age have to be vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) by the end of 2022, according to the updated National COVID-19 Vaccination Plan approved by Cabinet of Ministers resolution No.123 of February 2.

According to the document released on Friday, the regional state administrations and Kyiv City State Administration should ensure that minors aged 12 to 18 years old are vaccinated, as well as ensure the operation of vaccination centers, permanent and temporary vaccination points based on health facilities, including using mobile vaccination sessions in organized groups and at the place of residence or location.

In addition, local authorities should create interdepartmental regional coordination commissions for the implementation of the National Plan, chaired by officials at the level not lower than the deputy head of the Regional State Administration and Kyiv City State Administration, as well as approve regional vaccination plans for the period until December 31, 2022.