11:28 03.08.2019

National Guard of Ukraine, California could conduct joint exercises in training center in Kyiv region

2 min read
National Guard of Ukraine, California could conduct joint exercises in training center in Kyiv region

A delegation of the California National Guard (the United States) headed by Major General David S. Baldwin has visited the training center of the National Guard of Ukraine in the settlement of Stare, Kyiv region, where it studied the center's capacities boosted in the past years, its educational and material base and development of infrastructure.

Baldwin said that each time he comes to Ukraine he sees significant strides and developments. Ukrainian military personnel have high motivation and professional level. He said that in the future the California National Guard would consider the attraction of its units to joint exercises on the basis of this Ukrainian training center, the press service of the National Guard of Ukraine reported after a meeting of Baldwin with Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine Lieutenant General Mykola Balan on Friday.

Balan said in turn, that U.S. experience was used to create the training center.

"Today, the Guard has already implemented an individual training system for personnel and instructors. Since the beginning of 2019, on the basis of the Stare training center, we began collective training of units led by instructors of the National Guard. In August this year, UNIFIER operation instructors began preparing one of the National Guard units for Rapid Trident 2019 [international exercises]," he said.

According to Balan, on the basis of the International Interdepartmental Center in Kyiv region there is the possibility of conducting joint international exercises for the military personnel of both guards in the near future.