14:18 14.08.2015

Italian court rules to place ex-Ukrainian MP Ihor Markov into custody as pre-trial restriction – MP Lozovoi

1 min read
Italian court rules to place ex-Ukrainian MP Ihor Markov into custody as pre-trial restriction – MP Lozovoi

A Court in Genoa (Italy) has ruled to arrest former Ukrainian MP Ihor Markov, MP Andriy Lozovoi (Radical Party) has said.

"The Court of Genoa has chosen the measure of restraint against Ihor Markov - detention," he wrote on his Facebook page.

According to Lozovoi, the lawyer has five days to appeal against this measure of restraint.

"The date of the next court hearing, which obviously will address the issue of extradition of Markov to Ukraine, will depend on if this ruling is appealed," Lozovoi said.

As reported, on August 12 news of Markov's arrest in Italy broke. The Prosecutor General's Office is preparing documents for his extradition.

During the detention, Markov was found to possess two passports – Ukrainian and Russian, thus the Italian authorities notified both the Ukrainian and Russian consulates of the detention. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that Markov's diplomatic passport was annulled after he lost his seat in the parliament in 2014.