12:28 07.07.2014

Turchynov notes Putin's falling popularity among residents of Donbas

2 min read
Turchynov notes Putin's falling popularity among residents of Donbas

Verkhovna Rada Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov has noted that the rating of Russian President Vladimir Putin among residents of the Donbas has dropped significantly.

When commenting on a survey released on Inter television channel on Sunday evening, according to which Putin's approval rating in the Donbas is about 35%, Turchynov said: "About a year ago the level of such confidence was up to 70%. The fact that now it drops to 34% shows that in a month or two it will be minus 70% - that is distrust in the person who is actually guilty of the terrible events that are taking place in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions."

At the same time, when commenting on the results of the study, according to which about 65% of residents of the Donbas are in favor of a single Ukraine, he said: "These studies reaffirm the falsity of the Russian propaganda, which says that all residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions dream of seceding from Ukraine or joining Russia. It's a lie. Most citizens want to live in peace. They want to live in Ukraine. Our task is to free them from the terrorists, from Russian mercenaries who are terrorizing the Donbas today."