13:57 09.12.2013

Klitschko urges Ukrainians to come to Maidan

1 min read
Klitschko urges Ukrainians to come to Maidan

UDAR opposition party leader Vitali Klitschko has called on Ukrainians to immediately come to Kyiv's Independence Square, the party press service said.

In his words, the Interior Ministry Forces' cordons along the Maidan perimeter were an act of psychological pressure on the protesters.

He recalled that the protesters placed roadblocks around the governmental quarter on Sunday and the Interior Ministry Forces cordoned off Maidan on Monday. The metro stations Khreshchatyk, Independence Square and Teatralna are closed.

"The authorities are trying to put psychological pressure on us and intimidate us but people will not go away, they will stay here. We ask everyone to come to Maidan immediately. The more of us that gather here, the more quickly we can thwart the government's plans. I urge everyone to come to Independence Square immediately," Klitschko said.