12:25 06.06.2017

Pivdenmash resumes manufacture of Zenit carrier rockets for Sea Launch, Land Launch

2 min read
Pivdenmash resumes manufacture of Zenit carrier rockets for Sea Launch, Land Launch

Ukraine's state-owned Production Association Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant named after A.M. Makarov (Yuzhmash, or Pivdenmash from Ukrainian) has announced it is about to resume the manufacture of the Zenit carrier rockets under such international projects as the Sea Launch and the Land Launch, the plant's press service said on Friday, June 2.

On April 28, Pivdenmash and S7 Sea Launch Limited signed a contract for manufacturing and supplies of 12 carrier rockets of the Zenit family for space exploration and use for peaceful purposes as part of the Sea Launch and the Land Launch international programs, the press service said.

"A great step in overcoming the deep crisis, in which Pivdenmash has been since 2013 and which was caused by a dramatic drop in output, was made by signing of this contract," the press service said.

The manufacture of Zenit carrier rockets at Pivdenmash was suspended due to financial difficulties, which the project operators of the Sea Launch and the Land Launch had faced, in 2014.

Pivdenmash's portfolio for the coming years exceeds $350 million, its major customers are companies from the United States, Italy, India, and Korea.

The Zenit-3SL launch vehicle consists of the Zenit-2S two-stage rocket (created by Yuzhnoye (Pivdenne) Design Bureau and built by Pivdenmash in Ukraine mostly using Russian-made component parts) and the DM-SL booster unit designed and manufactured by Energia Corporation in Korolyov, Moscow region.