16:53 01.09.2016

EU Delegation urges Kyiv to fix all technical problems with e-declaration launch

2 min read
EU Delegation urges Kyiv to fix all technical problems with e-declaration launch

The ultimate success of the electronic declaration system of assets of Ukrainian officials will be judged not by its formal launch, but by its efficient and smooth functioning, the European Union Delegation in Ukraine said.

"Today's re-launch of the electronic asset declaration system with certification represents another important step in Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts, which are essential for a continued successful reform process. The technical problems encountered by the system after its launch need to be resolved as soon as possible," the EU Delegation said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.

The success of the electronic asset declaration system will not be measured by its formal launch, but by the efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the system, the delegation said. This includes criminal liability for submitting false declarations. Furthermore, public accountability is the founding principle underpinning the e-declaration system in order to prevent and counter corruption among public officials.

"It is important that full responsibility for the management of the system remains with the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) and that the independence and integrity of the NAPC is fully ensured. It is also important that the NAPC is provided with all the necessary financial and human resources in order for it to be able to fulfill its role in line with Ukraine's international commitments," the statement reads.

As reported, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption approved the launch of the registry of electronic declarations on September 1, 2016.

Under the law on combating corruption, high-ranking officials are to fill in new detailed income declarations in 2016 within 60 days after the launch of the e-declaration system. In particular, electronic statements of assets and income should be submitted by the Ukrainian president and the prime minister along with their advisors and assistants, government members, deputy ministers, members of the national commissions and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the head of the State Property Fund and the central bank governor along with their deputies. Ukrainian parliamentarians and civil servants belonging to the "A" or "B" categories, as well as judges, prosecutors, investigators, heads, deputy heads of state agencies whose jurisdiction covers the entire territory of Ukraine are also subject to e-declaration. High-ranking military officers are also to declare their incomes with the help of the new system.