14:17 22.08.2016

Ukrainian finance minister anticipates e-declarations to be launched in Aug, IMF to give money in Sept

1 min read
Ukrainian finance minister anticipates e-declarations to be launched in Aug, IMF to give money in Sept

The fully functioning launch of electronic declaration before September 1 would lift one of the obstacles on Ukraine's way to receive the third tranche of the IMF-funded Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program and would be grounds for receiving these funds in September, Ukrainian Finance Minister Oleksandr Danyliuk has said.

"If the system is fully launched from September 1, there would not be any problems. We could expect to get the tranche in September," he said in an interview with the Ekonomichna Pravda published on Monday.

The minister said that the system must be fully launched before September 1. He recalled that under the IMF rules it requires at least two weeks to summon the meeting of the IMF directors.

Danyliuk said that there are other conditions for the provision of the third tranche, along with e-declaration. He declined to name them before the end of the negotiations.

He said that without the resumption of the IMF program Ukraine would fail to receive $1 billion of U.S. credit guarantees, EUR 1.2 billion of EU macro-financial support and credits to buy gas from European partners.