09:19 01.03.2022

Protection of Children of Ukraine: free online courses for children - from Churymov Lyceum

1 min read
Protection of Children of Ukraine: free online courses for children - from Churymov Lyceum


❗️March 1st at 9:45 an education platform for kids will take place scientific Lyceum named after Klym Churymov, where all students who have access to the internet can participate. 


📚 The given initiative is aimed towards reducing children’s stress and providing access to education during time of active War. 

📚 Alongside with standard school subjects, popular lectures, Speaking Club, and courses from scholars and artists will be offered as well. 

Registration for educational program: https://forms.gle/KJEFsbwaTDJZ8VaKA

📌Presentation will take place on the YouTube Channel Liceum