13:43 21.02.2013

On February 19 the Arcane Art Gallery hosted an opening of a new exhibition of Galyna Moskvitina’s works and a musical session “Objectivity of Sound”

5 min read
On February 19, at 19.00 the Arcane Art Gallery (at Desyatinnaya St., 13, 4th Floor, # 44) in association with the Arzinger Company organized a joint event: “Objective Worlds: Objectivity of Sound.” It combined an opening of a new exhibition of Galyna Moskvitina’s works – “Sundrops” and “Prayer” – and a performance by “CORDA” String Quartet. New series of the artist’s paintings are reflections of rays of the real spiritual sun, letters for the soul, the subtlest ethereal messengers, which bring harmony and joy “It is great that such bright people are coming into sight – people, who not only possess enough talent and skill to depict things, but who are also able to transmit energy, - believes Slava Frolova, a famous TV Presenter. – Looking at the pictures of Galyna and listening to music I felt like diving into the sea and I experienced energy which awakened an echo in my heart and soul – and that is a rare thing to happen. It’s wonderful. I think that sincerity and love which the artist invested into her works will go back to her in abundance, as my admiration has also charged them with energy...” The beauty and harmony of the objective music in a space, filled with the objective paintings of Galyna Moskvitina, produced a synergetic effect by combining different kinds of art – it was a true Mystery Play. “Sound is free from any material limits and boundaries”, - believes Galyna Moskvitina. – It is a direct conversation from heart to heart. It is a voice of God talking to Himself and listening to Himself with love, trust and admiration. The ancient Indian Yogis said that the whole Universe was born out of a single sound. Objective music is a thread of Ariadne which can lead the listener within – to the eternal shining treasury of his soul. When a person watches the sound with his inner vision and listens with his inner ear – his soul starts shining and merges with music of the Divine”. At the opening of the new Galyna Moskvitina’s exhibition the visitors enjoyed listening to the classical compositions of Mozart, Bach, Handel, Haydn, Franck, Mouret, Pachelbel and Benedetto Marcello performed by the “CORDA” String Quartet. “We are happy to become a partner of the Arcane Art Gallery in organizing such a beautiful event, - says Timur Bondarev, a managing partner of the Arzinger Lawyers’ Association. – We are proud of having an ARTzinger Gallery in our office for several years now, which promotes Ukrainian art among our clients and partners both in Ukraine and abroad. The original works of Galyna Moskvitina have occupied a rightful place among our artists of a new formation and are being displayed as part of the ARTzinger Project. And it should come as no surprise as law is in many ways similar to art”. The ARCANE ART Gallery has been created as a presentation and communication platform for people interested in the Objective Art. According to definition appeared in the beginning of the 20th century, the Objective Art has the ability to shift our ordinary subjective perception of reality to the transpersonal cosmic level of being. Among the most famous examples of the Objective Art we can mention the Stonehenge structures and the Egyptian sphinxes, the icons of Rublev and the movies of Tarkovsky, the paintings of Bruegel, Roerich, Kandinsky. The cultural activity of the gallery includes the implementation of projects dedicated to various forms of the Objective Art not only in Ukraine but around the world. The choice of the Gallery’s location in the historical center of the city in Desyatinnaya Street is well-considered. At the time of origination of the Eastern Orthodoxy the first stone church – the Desyatinnaya Church (The Church of the Tithe) was built here; and this place bears a special significance to those associated with the Renaissance of the spiritual tradition in art. THE LATERNATIVE REALISM OF GALYNA MOSKVITINA The Laternative Realism – Galyna Moskvitina’s style – is based on a peculiar perception of light and usage of conceptual images closely associated with notions of light, luminance and luminescence. The paintings created in this style are called the Svetangs. They are a part of the ”adventures of her soul”, an expression of her spiritual experiences in a pictorial form, reflecting a space of light in the objective world. Galyna Moskvitina is one of the best graphic artists in Ukraine, who once created illustrations for the works of Bulgakov and Shakespeare. At the height of her career she suddenly disappeared from the city art scene and secluded herself for 15 years in the monasteries of China and the ashrams of India. After a long period of reclusion the artist returned to the West with a series of paintings which reflected her unique spiritual experience. In 2011- 2012 Galyna Moskvitina’s paintings were featured in Milan, London, Tel Aviv and New York as part of the “Code of Light” world tour. The artist’s website: Contacts: Ms. Tatyana Zaliva mob. 095 602 91 96