10:45 23.11.2021

People who come through COVID-19 should not 'inflate balloons' - experts

2 min read

KYIV. Nov 23 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Experts from various fields of medicine made recommendations to patients with COVID-19 during a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Monday.

"First, try to be outdoors as much as possible, but on condition that the air temperature is not lower than -4 or -5 degrees. Second, try to do physical exercises, but mostly of an aerobic nature," the head of the rehabilitation department of the Adonis network of medical clinics, Vadym Kerestey, recommends.

In addition, he commented on the currently popular recommendation for patients after COVID-19 to "inflate balloons."

"It is categorically not recommended to inflate balloons. Training should be aimed not at exhalation, but at inhalation, in order to increase the vital capacity of the lungs and use as much lung tissue as possible to improve gas exchange," Kerestey said.

In turn, the head of the department of nephrology of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Dmytro Ivanov, recommended that patients after COVID-19 do basic diagnostic tests.

"Do a blood test, urine test, measure blood pressure after COVID-19. Assess whether you need a doctor at all in this situation, whether you feel comfortable, whether you need any help," he said.

Natalya Yaschenko, the Associate Professor of the Department of Cardiac Surgery of the National Healthcare University of Ukraine, a cardiologist of the highest category, recommended physical, metered loads, control of blood pressure and eating behavior to those who had undergone COVID-19. At the same time, she emphasized that the reason for timely medical assistance can be an acute deterioration in the form of an increase or decrease in blood pressure, an increase or decrease in heart rate, progressive chest pain that does not decrease for several hours.

The obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Volodymyr Terekhov, in turn, drew attention to the fact that "one of the signs of recovery for married couples is the desire to have a child."

"If a married couple wants to fulfill their duty and give birth to a child, then this is an indicator that speaks of their recovery. To realize a basic function or reproduce - it is very important to do this after rehabilitation," Terekhov said.

At the same time, the psychologist, psychoanalyst Olena Buts recommends dietology to patients: minerals, vitamins, coenzymes - what, according to her, increases immunity and brings happiness.