17:41 20.11.2020

Amount of claims of renewable energy generation against SOE Guaranteed Buyer reaches UAH 1 bln – solar energy association head

2 min read

KYIV. Nov 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The amount of claims against the state-owned enterprise Guaranteed Buyer from producers of "green" electricity has already reached UAH 1 billion, Executive Director of the Solar Energy Association of Ukraine Artem Semenyshyn has said.

"Claims against Guaranteed Buyer from solar, wind power and bioenergy companies have already been filed up for the amount of UAH 1 billion. At the same time, we are talking about the prospect of international arbitrations, and here the amounts will be estimated at several billion euros," Semenyshyn said at a press conference at Interfax -Ukraine on Friday.

He said that Guaranteed Buyer's debt to producers from renewable energy sources (RES) reached UAH 25 billion, and the issue of its repayment is not being resolved.

"Despite the government's obligations under the memorandum with investors, which provide, in particular, for the repayment of 40% of the debt as of August 1 by the end of the year, the sources of its repayment have not been determined," the director of the association said.

He also drew attention to the fact that the draft budget for 2021 does not include funds to pay for "green" electricity, as provided by law No. 810-IX on the conditions for supporting renewable energy generation.

"The architecture of 2020 for settlements with the "green" producers will be repeated in 2021. The government is not taking the necessary measures to resolve issues. The industry was left without support," Semenyshyn said, noting in this context the delay in holding "green" auctions as one of the mechanisms of such support.

At the same time, the head of the association said that various appeals to the government regarding the repayment of debt to renewable energy generation, including from specialized associations, business associations and ambassadors of countries whose investors are represented in Ukraine, do not give the desired result.

"The feedback is very weak. Some initiatives are being implemented, but the issue is not being resolved in general," he said, expressing the opinion that "our calls are not taken into account from a political point of view, and not from an economic one."