17:47 31.08.2020

Several NGOs, charitable foundations unite efforts to create Kyiv Nash civic platform

3 min read

KYIV. Aug 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Several non-governmental organizations and charitable foundations united their efforts to achieve common goals and create a citywide civic platform titled "Kyiv Nash (Kyiv Is Ours)", Chairperson of non-governmental organization (NGO) Kyiv Nash (Kyiv Is Ours) City Platform Maryna Ozerova has said.

"The key goals of our unification are joint work on the creation of an alternative development concept for the city based on the concept of the cities of the future and taking into account Kyiv's historical image, protection of city residents' rights by all legal means, including legal aid in fight against barbaric and illegal construction, dislocation of environmental balance in our city," she said during a press conference hosted by Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

In addition, the new platform will represent the interests of the city residents in a dialogue with Kyiv authorities, monitoring and control over their activities, development of proposals on improvement of the city's infrastructure, support of communication between Kyiv's districts and regional center, implementation of social and humanitarian projects aimed at the development of cultural and social life of the capital, health care and education of the younger generation, promotion of Kyiv's history and traditions, patriotic development of children and young people in Kyiv, Ozerova said.

"The interests of Kyiv and Kyiv residents should be over the interests of parties and clans. Kyiv should not be a hostage of politicians and officials. Our union, just like each organization, which preserves its autonomous resource or structure, has many plans for public activities in which one of the key tasks is education of our young people, because our future is in our children's hands," she said.

Ozerova also noted that the non-governmental organization does not belong to any party.

"We are independent. Our union is not a pre-election campaign. We will participate in all possible campaigns aimed at achieving the goals outlined in the memorandum. We will also carry out monitoring over the candidates' promises and their implementation in the process of local elections. We will regularly inform the public and media about our work," she said.

During the press conference, a ceremony of signing a declaration of unity between Kyiv's non-NGOs was held. The document was signed by representatives of NGO Business Women of Ukraine, Charity Foundation of the Saint Mersiful Filaret, NGO Healthy Humanity, NGO Ukrainian Sociology Portal, NGO Institute of Private and Public Law and the Social Initiative International Charity Foundation.

Ozerova also said that the new NGO is open for other organizations and active citizens.