16:10 05.05.2020

'October 25' expert initiative declares possibility of holding early parliamentary elections along with local ones in spring of 2021

2 min read

KYIV. May 5 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The possibility of holding both local elections and early parliamentary elections in the spring of 2021 is admitted by Mykhailo Chaplyha, a member of the informal association of the expert initiative "October 25," political consultant, director of the Institute of Trade Union Movement.

"The idea of joint election in the spring is quite possible," Chaplyha said during an online conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Tuesday, answering the question whether local elections could be rescheduled for the next year.

According to the expert, the idea of holding both local elections and early parliamentary elections in spring "is being discussed in corridors of power, but hasn't been spread by the media yet."

He noted that, as a rule, the voter turnout in local elections is lower than in national ones.

"But since in the fall, according to my forecasts, a serious social, economic and political crisis is possible, then ... the turnout can be very high, which can upset key parties very much. Therefore, in order to avoid defeat ... some kind of decision can be made," said Chaplyha.

According to the law, elections to local authorities in Ukraine will be held on the last Sunday of October [October 25].