12:29 27.03.2019

Zelensky campaign ready for possible challenge of first round voting results, but hoping there will be no mass violations

1 min read

KYIV. March 27 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The campaign headquarters of showman and presidential candidate Vololdymyr Zelensky has said it is ready to challenge results of the first round of the presidential elections, but hopes that there will be no widespread voting violations.

"Are we ready to appeal the election results? Of course, we are ready to appeal the election results. We have an excellent team for this, which already participated in the appeal of the election results in 2004, so we know how to do it. Certainly, sociology today is such that if we do not reach the second round, then, in our opinion, this will testify to large-scale frauds, but we hope that this will not happen," head of Zelensky's campaign headquarters Ivan Bakanov said at a press conference at the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Wednesday.

"We hope that the level of society has grown and there will be no mass fraud, but manipulations are expected, of course. These are queues at polling stations and fake news about military officers looking for draft dodgers at polling stations," he said.