13:32 05.12.2014

Launching of criminal proceedings against ex-central bank head Arbuzov is a publicity stunt, says defence

2 min read

Kyiv, December 5 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ihor Fomin, the defense lawyer representing the former head of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Serhiy Arbuzov, has said that prosecution of his client is a publicity stunt, resulting from public demand for prosecution of those associated with former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

"This is a PR action, and not criminal proceedings… there are no proofs, but pure fantasy… This is, first of all, the reaction to demand of society. They are to show something to society. They are to show that they prosecute criminal power. How could they do this? Opening criminal proceedings," Fomin said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday, December 4.

He said that prosecution of his client is groundless, as no criminal action took place.

He went on to say that investigators are accusing Arbuzov of embezzling profits from BTB TV.

"It's impossible to steal profit. One can steal money, things and documents. In addition, over the whole period of functioning of BTB they have seen no profit," Fomin said, adding that the conclusions of an expert and the audit department confirm this.

Fomin did not raise the issue of Arbuzov’s accounts being unfrozen.

The lawyer expressed his confusion as to why a Pechersky court judge decided to unfreeze the accounts belonging to Arbuzov and his wife, and then reverse the decision

Fomin said that his client is ready to answer questions, and. Fomin went on to say that Arbuzov is ready to meet an investigator, though not in Ukraine, and that Arbuzov believes that the accusations are totally groundless.