Discontent with life expands among Kyivans, over half of them feel impact of crisis in economy - poll
Kyiv, August 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The satisfaction with life in August among Kyiv residents considerably fell compared to May 2014, according to the results of a poll conducted by Research and Branding Group.
According to the poll conducted in August, the results of which were presented at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on August 15, 42% of respondents are satisfied with their lives in general (68% in May) and 46% of them are not satisfied (26%).
Asked what feelings they have, 36% of respondents named hope, 56% - alarm, 16% - optimism, 18% - confusion, 13% fear and 13% pessimism.
The respondents said that among the consequences of the past six months they are fearing an armed conflict most of all (70%), a rise in the prices and inflation (51%), a loss of job (33%), panic and chaos (22%), stoppage of production (12%), growth of crime (11%), the instability of the foreign exchange rate (13%) and a drop in their standard of living (14%).
Taking into account the events of the last six months, a large number of Kyivans believe that today the country is only just entering a large-scale crisis (39%) and is on the peak of a large crisis (38%). 1% of respondents said that there is no large-scale crisis, and 5% said Ukraine is gradually overcoming a large-scale crisis.
Over a half of Kyiv's residents (53%) said that they felt the influence of crisis in the economy in general, and 37% felt a partial impact of the crisis.
50% of the respondents said that over the past month their income did not change, and 46% said that their income fell.
According to the poll, in the current conditions Kyiv residents started saving on vacations (56%), clothes and shoes (49%), food (38%), entertainment (34%) and major households appliances (34%).
In addition, 72% of respondents supported the early parliamentary election and 15% did not support it. A total of 33% of respondents support a proportional election system, 14% a mixed system, and 11% a majority voting system. Three quarters of Kyivans said that they plan to take part in voting when the election is held.
The poll was conducted among Kyiv residents from July 26 to August 5, 2014. A total of 802 persons over 18 years were polled. The sampling error is plus or minus 3.2%.