21:25 02.04.2024

Zelenskyy signs law providing for possibility of treatment for military personnel for up to 12 months, repeated medical examination of those of limited fitness within nine months

4 min read
Zelenskyy signs law providing for possibility of treatment for military personnel for up to 12 months, repeated medical examination of those of limited fitness within nine months

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the law (bill No. 10313) On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on ensuring the rights of military personnel and police officers to social protection, providing for the possibility of military personnel staying for treatment for up to 12 months, and those recognized as having limited fitness for military service obliges the service to undergo a second medical examination within nine months.

As reported on the Verkhovna Rada website, bill No. 10313 was returned with the signature of the head of state on April 2.

It provides, in particular, for introducing amendments to the law On the social and legal protection of military personnel and members of their families – new editions of certain provisions and new provisions.

"The total time of continuous stay of a serviceman in healthcare institutions and on leave for treatment due to illness or on leave for treatment after injury (concussion, trauma or injury) while maintaining monetary and material support cannot exceed 12 consecutive months. Review by the military medical commission for the decision on the need for long-term treatment is carried out no later than four months from the start of treatment," according to the text of the document.

Only after an established period of continuous treatment in health care institutions and on leave for treatment due to illness or on leave for treatment after injury, a serviceman is subject to examination by a military medical commission to decide on his suitability for military service.

The bill also contains a rule according to which, in order to care for a sick child under the age of 14, military personnel are relieved from performing official duties for the period during which the child needs care according to a medical certificate of temporary disability, but no more than 14 calendar days. If it is necessary to care for a child requiring inpatient treatment, military personnel are relieved from performing official duties while maintaining their pay for the entire period of caring for the sick child.

The document also establishes the amount of a one-time cash benefit paid in the event of the death or death of a serviceman during the performance of his military service duties: no less than UAH 15 million.

The bill exempts chairmen and members of medical advisory commissions from the obligation to submit declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, unless they are in other positions, the tenure of which obliges them to submit such declarations.

According to the document, military personnel who, due to injury (concussion, trauma or injury) associated with the performance of military duties, are recognized by the military medical commission as limitedly fit or unfit for military service with a review after six to 12 months and are placed at the disposal of the relevant commanders, within two months from the date of enrollment (excluding time spent on vacation and treatment), monetary allowance (excluding additional remuneration) is paid in full for the last position held. After being in service for more than two months and until the end of their stay in service, such military personnel are paid a monthly salary according to their military rank, a bonus for length of service and additional remuneration in the amount of UAH 20,100.

The transitional provisions are supplemented by the obligation of persons with limited military service to undergo military training within a nine-month period. "To establish that citizens of Ukraine recognized as partially fit for military service before the entry into force of this law, within nine months from the date of entry into force of this law, are subject to a repeated medical examination in order to determine suitability for military service," according to the text of the bill.