09:56 01.03.2024

Zelenskyy signs decree on competitive selection of candidates for post of judge of Constitutional Court

2 min read
Zelenskyy signs decree on competitive selection of candidates for post of judge of Constitutional Court

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed Decree No. 139/2024, which regulates the issue of competitive selection of candidates for the post of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in respect of persons appointed by the President of Ukraine. The text of the Decree was published on the website of the President's Office on Thursday, February 29.

"In order to ensure the competitive selection of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in respect of persons appointed by the President of Ukraine, guided by Paragraph 22 of the first part of Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine, pursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine," I order:

1. To approve the Regulations on the competitive selection of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding persons appointed by the President of Ukraine (attached).

2. To form a competition commission to conduct a competitive selection of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding persons appointed by the President of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the competition commission), and approve its personal composition (attached).

3. The Competition Commission shall ensure the competitive selection of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in respect of persons appointed by the President of Ukraine.

4. To recognize as invalid:

Decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 20, 2021 No. 167/2021 "On the Competition Commission for the selection of candidates for the position of Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in respect of persons appointed by the President of Ukraine";

Decree of the President of Ukraine dated August 17, 2021 No. 365/2021 "Issues of competition for the selection of candidates for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in respect of persons appointed by the President of Ukraine."

5. This Decree comes into force from the date of its publication," the text of the Decree signed by the President says.