20:31 16.02.2024

Organizers of Deciding Your Tomorrow exhibition in Munich hope US congressmen to visit it

2 min read

An exhibition titled "Deciding Your Tomorrow," organized by the President's Office of Ukraine and the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, opened in Munich on the sidelines of the security conference.

Conference founder Wolfgang Ischinger said such exhibitions have an impact on those who lack information. "We hope to make an impact this weekend, especially with the U.S. Congressional delegation. At that point there will be a large number of Republican senators, and reportedly even more members of the House of Representatives, who will need to tell their European colleagues about this," he said.

"I hope that this exhibition will be seen here by as many participants and journalists as possible this weekend," Ischinger said.

"With this exhibition we want to get under your skin, under the skin of a visitor, a participant in many security conferences. Ukrainians are fighting not only for their independence, but also for Western values, for freedom, for the security of all Western worlds," businessman and philanthropist Viktor Pinchuk said.

According to him, many soldiers are now depressed because they are not confident in Western help.

"Therefore, I hope that all members of the Congressional delegation will visit this exhibition. We will try, and we have already agreed with some members of Congress that they will be here, and we believe that this exhibition will contribute to our victory," Pinchuk said.

The exhibition presents video and photographic materials about the war in Ukraine.