NBU develops changes to some regulations on protection of consumer rights

The financial institution is obliged to inform the consumer about his right, after termination of the agreement on the provision of a consumer loan, to contact him with a request for information (certificate) on the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations established by the agreement, including information about the absence of debt and the fulfillment of the consumer's obligations under the agreement in full volume.
This is discussed in the draft resolution developed and presented for discussion on amendments to some regulatory legal acts of the National Bank on the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services.
As reported on the regulator's website, the project also provides for: an additional condition of the consumer loan agreement in the form of lending to a bank account or line of credit concluded by the bank with the consumer, as well as separate information to the consumer by a nonbank lender-insurer providing a consumer loan within the limits and secured by the redemption amount under a life insurance contract with a savings component.
Comments and proposals on the draft will be accepted until February 11, 2024.